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Unity Connection 10.5

John Ruhl
Level 1
Level 1

We recently added a BT Netrix solution in our network and when they access their voicemail, the system voice comes across as very choppy and very difficult to understand.  When they get to their messages, they sound fine, it is just occurring on the voice that provides navigation prompts.  BT has suggested that we turn off the comfort noise in Unity Connections.  How do I go about doing this?

3 Replies 3

Disabling Unity Connection Comfort Noise

Comfort noise is low-level background noise generated on a IP device. Its purpose is to simulate the hiss produced in a circuit-switched connection, and it can be generated to help provide reassurance to callers when there is no audio from Unity Connection, for example, during a transfer or between system prompts.

The Unity Connection ComfortNoise registry setting is a system-wide setting that controls the ability of Unity Connection to send comfort noise generation packets to an IP phone, or to a gateway that is enabled to receive and respond to comfort noise generation packets.

If Unity Connection comfort noise is enabled on a system that is using the TTY prompt set, TTY subscribers may report that characters are occasionally garbled or dropped. Disabling Unity Connection comfort noise will prevent this problem from occurring.

Disabling Unity Connection comfort noise should not cause a problem for non-TTY subscribers, but be aware that callers may notice short periods of silence between some Unity Connection prompts.

To Disable Unity Connection Comfort Noise

Step 1 Start Regedit.

Caution  Changing the wrong registry key or entering an incorrect value can cause the server to malfunction. Before you edit the registry, confirm that you know how to restore it if a problem occurs. (See the "Restoring" topics in Registry Editor Help.) Note that for a Unity Connection failover system, registry changes on one Unity Connection server must be made manually on the other Unity Connection server, because registry changes are not replicated. If you have any questions about changing registry key settings, contact Cisco TAC.

Step 2 If you do not have a current backup of the registry, click Registry > Export Registry File, and save the registry settings to a file.

Step 3 Expand the registry key


Step 4 In the Edit Dword Value window, click Decimal.

Step 5 Set the value to 128.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Restart the Unity Connection server.

Step 8 If you are using failover, repeat this procedure to apply the registry setting to secondary server.


Thanks, for the info.  Is there something similar for a Linux system?

You can find this setting in Cisco Unity Connection under
System Settings --> Advanced --> Telephony

VAD enabled - Check this checkbox to send comfort Noise packets in SIP Integration. When Vad Enabled option is disabled, Comfort Noise packets are not sent in SIP Integration.

Best of luck