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Unity MTA fail to deliver messages to Exchange

Level 1
Level 1

I have Unity 5.0(1) with Ex2003. We are doing testing with Exchange server down and brought back up. Whenever Exchange is down and brought back up UnityMTA does not deliver the messages to Exchange but move the files to the Commserver\UnityMTA\Failed folder. However after about 2 minutes if we move the files back into UnityMTA folder it sync correctly. Is there a way to increase the timer that UnityMTA sync with Exchange or increase the number of retries before failing? I see a few registry keys but just need confirmation.


4 Replies 4

Ginger Dillon
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hello -

Once Unity attempts delivery of the voice messages and they get moved to the Failed directory, Unity will not make additional attempts. But by moving the files back to the Root UnityMTA folder, you simulated Unity coming out of UMR mode after an Exchange outage and the files were successfully moved to the Exchange stores. You did the correct procedure and this is the way it is designed - even included in the Unity maintenance procedures to check routinely. Typically there is a problem with the user's inbox when Unity moves messages to the Failed directory, i.e. user mail box is full, hidden from GAL, user has been deleted, problem with MAPI profile etc. Unity will post application event log msgs indicating when an Exchange server comes back online and begin user inbox resynchronization. The AvUMRSyncSvr service may occasionally need a restart to get the files moving from c:\commserver\unitymta to the Exchange stores. You might check your Unity server for errors, i.e. could it have been in the process of sending the msgs over to Exchange when something else happened to the email server (for example the MTA services had problems)?


Hi, I am also having the same problem, messages do not get delivered after the failure from the failed directory, except my exchange did not go down at all! but I keep getting UMR errors in the logs, I have re-applied permissions on exchange for all exchange servers country wide, but still Unity detects there is a connectivity issue,mailbox issue etc, I can connect to my exchange from Unity (ping, RDP etc). I don't think it is a mailbox issue (I send a voice message to a mailbox, it goes through, I try send another 1, and it fails and gets moved to the failed directory. Mailbox store has plenty space still, then I send a third, and it goes through no problem). Our exchange and active directory enviroments are run by other departments.I ran a few traces on the UMR and found it was reporting failed messages as unable to send because send-as rights were not applied. This happened before and after I reapplied permissions with the permissions wizard.I also get messages in the log files about Group policies being applied (every 30-45 minutes (is this normal?)). I will post some traces in the morning, any ideas?

Upon further investigation I found that it is only messages from unidentified callers which cannot be delivered. Which exchange account does Unity use to send messages from unidentified callers to subscribers, I presume this account does not exist or does not have send as rights, ior it does not know where to send the message from? Also, do I need to set up outlook on Unity to manager messages? Any help would be graetly appreeciated! Thanks


Unity_ account is the one used for any non-subscriber caller.

The unity install does create it, the only options are someone thought it was useless and deleted it (in which case upon reboot Unity won't start) or simply you're having permissions issues.

Try running the PW and then the MSCW -sync.



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