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Users are receiving voice messages late....

Level 1
Level 1

Hello to all, some of our user's are receiving late voice messages. They would check and clear out thier voice mail accounts in the morning and in the mid afternoon they would have 1 or 2 new messages in thier accounts from the morining. Some even claim to receiving new messages from 3 to 4 days ago that were not there when they check thier voice mail boxes. I have asked those user's to delete thier deleted voice messages to see if it helps but the problem still stands. Only a handful of user's are have the problem. We are running an old version of Unity ( 4.1 ) but we are schedule for an upgrade in mid November. Thanks.

6 Replies 6

Level 6
Level 6

I would look at the size of the inboxes of the subscribers in exchange. this is the biggest cause of delays.

If you look at this performance document for Unity 4.0(3), this is the recommended setting. I believe that would apply to the later version of Unity as well.

Section D explains that Unified Messaging subscribers should not have Inboxes that exceed

100 MB or 1,000 messages. This is a copy and paste from



Hi -

Are you seeing any error messages in Unity's application event log, for instance could these users' Exchange information store be unavailable? Are you seeing any AvWM* or AvUMR* errors, which can occur when Unity recognizes Exchange has gone offline? It sounds like you may have files remaining in UMR mode - c:\commserver\UnityMTA or c:\commserver\UnityMTA\Failed.



You are right, we do have wav. and tex. files in E:\CommServer\UnityMTA\Failed, folder. Should we clear these flies out? and dose this point out that we have a problem with our exchange server? please help. Thanks.

Hi -

Move the files from the Failed folder up one level to the UnityMTA folder. If there are no errors about Unity having grief connecting to Exchange, you should see these files be transferred to Exchange - give it 5 minutes or so. You might need to stop/start the AvUMRSynchSvr service, which does not impact voicemail services to your users. This should do the trick. Note - if the files return to the Failed directory, several things could have happened:

Mailbox no longer exists, user was deleted, etc.


Hello Ginger,

Thanks for the advise, when I moved the wav.files up one level I got an error in the "Event Viewer"\"Application log". "CiscoUnity_UMR" Event ID:147, "The Unity Message Repository could not retrieve a recipient for a message. This message will be sent to the following distribution list: unaddress messages 921." Plus I recieved some calls from users stating that they are getting old messages back in thier voice mail boxes. Now I thought the messages in the failed folder were messages that could not be delivered, so they are stored in the fail folder temporary untill the system can deliver them within 24 hours,right? (please bare with me, I'm still tring to learn the system) but if the users already hear these messages why would they end up in the "Fail Folder?" (we are talking about not a whole lot of users, just a hand full-6,7,10 at the most) only a couple of files did return back to the failed folder and these accounts are fully functional, infact all of the files in the fail folder were working mail boxes and accounts, I can't understand why would these files be in this folder. Thanks...

Hi -

Here is some additional information on this:

1. The "Monitoring the Message Transfer Agent" section in the "Routine and Scheduled Maintenance on the Cisco Unity Server" chapter omits the following information about the UnityMTA\Failed directory and what to do if you find messages in the directory:

If the subscriber home server is accessible when Cisco Unity attempts to deliver a message from the MTA queue but message delivery fails for some other reason (for example, the RecipientAlias does not exist in the mail server directory), Cisco Unity moves the message to the UnityMTA\Failed directory and does not attempt to redeliver the message. If there are messages in the Failed directory, you can look at the routing file for each message (routing files have a .txt extension) to determine the cause of the failure. If you believe that the problem has been corrected, you can manually move the message (both the TXT routing file and the corresponding WAV audio file) back to the UnityMTA folder, and Cisco Unity will attempt to redeliver it.

2. Check out this link to ensure the Cisco Unity Messaging Repository (UMR) account has Send As/Receive As permissions for these subscribers - and also that the subscribers have Inheritance enabled in their Active Directory account Security - Advanced tab.

Note: The Failed folder - Unity does not attempt redeliver once the voice message is here. It needs to be moved back to the UnityMTA folder for this to happen, providing it can access the user's home Exchange server and everything else with the user account is OK.
