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Enterprise License Manager for CUCM v9.1

Amit Thakkar
Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

Please assist on below mention query.

1>   I have installed the ELM standalone for CUCM and CUC and still I have not installed the CUCM & CUC licenses with ELM. It was just the basic configuration done.

2>  How to get the information about when this demo ELM will expire?

3>   Demo will count from the date we will installed the ELM server or it will count the date when we will create the Instances for CUCM and CUC?   

4>   Wll ELM application server get shutdown Or CUCM and CUC instances get Shutdown ater the 60 days of grace period?

5>  Is there any way to check by GUI or CLI about the status of ELM server?

Every post would be highly appreciate!!

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

ELM does not expire nor is it licensed, it is there to license CUCM and UCXN and by itself does nothing so no need to license it.



View solution in original post

6 Replies 6

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

ELM does not expire nor is it licensed, it is there to license CUCM and UCXN and by itself does nothing so no need to license it.



Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Amit,

I thought I would add the reference(s) for the 60 day grace period query

License Status in Cisco Unity Connection

When Cisco Unity Connection is connected with the ELM server and the  required number of licenses for the features are installed on the ELM  server, the license status becomes "Compliance". For example, if the ELM  server is configured for 50 users, the Connection server can request  for less than equal to 50 users to remain in "Compliance" mode.

If the required number of licenses are not installed on the ELM server,  the license status becomes "Violation". However, you can still use the  licensed features on Connection for 60 days, which is the grace period.  During this grace period, you are required to obtain and install the  required number of licenses or reduce the usage of the licensed features  in order to avoid license violation. However, if you do not take the  required action during the grace period, then license status becomes  "Expire".

Once the license status of Cisco Unity Connection software changes to  "Expire", the software will stop functioning. The Connection server will  not answer any calls to leave or retrieve voicemails. However, you can  still add, modify or delete configuration data on the server. You are  required to obtain and install the required number of licenses or reduce  the usage of the licensed features to avoid license violation. After  taking the required action, the license status changes from "Expire" to  "Compliance" and you can use the licensed features on Connection again.

Note After  obtaining and installing licenses for changing the license status from  "Expire" to the "Compliance", you must restart Cisco Unity Connection.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.x clusters  can operate in a full featured demo mode for 60 days without a license.  After 60 days, Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters continue to  operate and route calls, but the functionality to add or remove devices  and users is disabled until valid licenses are supplied by an  associated Enterprise License Manager.



"Hours are like diamonds, don't let them waste
Time waits for no one, no favors has he" 

- Stones

Hi Rob,

Thank's for your instant guidelines.

If possible would you please assist on below given points.

1>  How to get the information about when this demo ELM will expire?

I mean to say Is there any way to check or make a track reports of which users or which features of that users licenses state are in "Violation" or which licenses state are in "Compliance" mode by GUI or CLI on ELM server?

2>   Demo will count from the date when we will create the Instances of the CUCM and Unity connection on ELM server. Am I correct?   

3>   As per my understanding on your guidelins given above is after 60  days of grace period still we can able to operate the CUCM v9.1 in production but with old featuers which licenses was already "Compliance" New features of CUCM v9.1 will not work.  am I correct?  please guide on it if i am wrong.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.x clusters  can operate in a full featured demo mode for 60 days without a license.  After 60 days, Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters continue to  operate and route calls, but the functionality to add or remove devices  and users is disabled until valid licenses are supplied by an  associated Enterprise License Manager.

As per you have mention (which i have mark as bold font),  which users you are talking about one who which new add users in the demo mode or it is for all users who has already licenses for features of CUCM v7.1(3)?

Hi Amit,

The Dashboard view is where you will start

Dashboard view

The  Dashboard provides an “at-a-glance” view of the system. Links in the  Dashboard navigate to their related pages within Enterprise License  Manager.


When  Enterprise License Manager is first installed, it operates in Demo mode  until a license file is installed. While Enterprise License Manager is  in Demo mode, a warning appears at the top of the GUI. 


Demo  mode in Enterprise License Manager refers to the fact that no license  file has been installed yet. During the first license file installation  process, Enterprise License Manager is registered with the Cisco  licensing back office and is no longer in Demo mode. Product instances  managed by Enterprise License Manager are not in compliance as long as  Enterprise License Manager is in Demo mode. Each product type (for  example, Unified CM, Unity Connection) has its own version of "demo  mode" that operates independently of Enterprise License Manager’s Demo  mode.

The Dashboard contains the following:


Provides information on Product Instances, Last License Update, and Last Synchronization date and time.

License Usage

Lists the product type and the number of licenses allocated to each of those products.

License Alerts

Lists alerts according to product type and the status of the alert. Alerts indicate:

  • License types that are non-compliant
  • Licenses that are nearing expiration

Synchronization Failures

Lists the product instance name, reason for failure, and last successful synchronization.

License usage view

The  License Usage page identifies the licenses installed on the system and  how those licenses have been used at the time of the last  synchronization. There are two views available from the License Usage  page:

  • Table View
  • Chart View

Table View

The Table View provides the following information for each license type:

  • Type of licenses in use
  • Product scope
  • Number of licenses required
  • Number of licenses installed
  • Number of licenses unused
  • Status of that license type (for example: in compliance, in violation, and so on)

You can also view license properties and usage by selecting one of  license types installed on the system. The License Type details page  contains the following information:

  • License Description
  • Usage Chart
  • Usage by Instance
  • Installed Licenses by Type

For a comprehensive view of all license types, click the View all license type descriptions on (new window) link under the License Description section.

Chart View

The  Chart View tab presents a graphical view of the number of licenses used  for a particular product. Placing your mouse over each of the chart's  bars reveals license count information. The figure below shows a Chart  View which illustrates the number of licenses:

  • Installed
  • Borrowed from Upper Tier
  • Required
  • Loaned to Lower Tier

The Chart View also identifies, with a red “x”, instances where there are insufficient licenses.

Substitution and tiering

License  types are categorized into tiers, where the higher tier types offer  more functionality than the lower tiers. For example, CUWL Professional,  the highest Unified CM-tiered type, offers more functionality than CUWL  Premium or Advanced (the exact functionality is specified in the  License Usage Details screen). The License Usage Table View and Chart  View (as shown in the figure above) display the types in order of tier,  highest to lowest.

License substitution refers to the Enterprise License Manager feature  where a higher tier license type can be substituted for a lower-tiered  type that would otherwise be in overage. In the Chart View  example (in  the above figure), there are 50 spare Basic licenses on loan to  Essential. In this example, the 50 spare licenses are sufficient to  cover the entire Essential overage. If the user installs a license file  that adds Essential licenses, the spare Basic licenses would then be  available for future Basic requirements.

License fulfillment

Once a product instance has been added (see Add product instance), you must then identify your licensing requirements and plan accordingly.


You  may wish to check your Dashboard or License Usage page first, to  determine what licenses are required for your product. For more  information on the Dashboard or the License Usage pages, see System status information.

Once you have identified your specific licensing needs, choose from one of the following:

  1. Migrate existing licenses (if applicable) into Enterprise License Manager. To migrate existing licenses, see Migrate licenses using Upgrade Licenses wizard
  2. Once any existing licenses have been migrated, acquire new licenses using the following procedure: Use the Add Licenses wizard to determine new licensing requirements


If  your product instances have not been upgraded and are still running  pre-9.0 software, you can use the License Count Utility to help run the  license calculations for you. See Using Cisco Unified Communications  Manager License Count Utility for more information.


Also check;

Licensing Architecture: Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) Version 9.x - FAQ from Live Webcast

For your last query, after 60 days, your CUCM will still operate but you cannot add any phones,

remove any phones or make any user changes. Not how you want to operate



"Hours are like diamonds, don't let them waste
Time waits for no one, no favors has he" 

- Stones

Is it possible to send an e-mail as alert in case of violation?

I just looked into this the other day, and found that there is doable for unity connection via RTMT, but the alarm does not exist on CUCM 10.5.