Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone has a fix to the getfw command not working on this specific ISO (ucs-c240-huu-3.0.4s.iso) if I run it under ubuntu 16.04 I get this error "Syntax error: "(" unexpected." I cant find anything about this online.
I have used Ubuntu 16.04 due to this bug search record here
I have tried HUU iso's for 3.0.4a and 3.0.4s. I need these as an update failed and i now have no image from the system on both the local rear VGA and IpKVM. I can still access CIMC to flash the matching versions as currently the BMC is on 3.0.3a and the bios is on 3.0.1a and I believe this is the reason there is now no video output.
thanks in advance all