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Member since ‎07-06-2020

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Hello,I am running into an issue when trying to stand up a new CUC instance.  We are trying to migrate off of old hardware in order to upgrade from our existing 10.5 to 12.5, which I will outline more of below.  As the title states we are bumping our...
The title may be somewhat misleading, but I am running into an issue with our CUBE.  We own an entire NXX, originally on PRIs and slowly moving it over to ATT IP Flex.  Some of our numbers from our NXX have been ported to our corporate phone system s...
I am running into an issue with these two pieces.  We have previously only used Softkey Templates on our fleet of phones (8945, 8851, 7821) running CUCM  I have not run into this issue prior to recently.  The softkey templates appear to...
Hello, I am in the need of some assistance.  I have searched through several other posts and followed some of those steps.When trying to search in CUCM CDR Analysis and Reporting by Phone Number I have started to receive the 10021 Error code "There a...
Hi everyone, I recently have started updating our 8800 series phones (specifically 8851s) to 12.8(1) from 12.1(1) and it seems that this breaks the last line remembered.  I think I need guidance, because from what I have been able to find this is the...
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Member Since ‎07-06-2020 07:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2024 01:09 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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