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Member since ‎12-10-2020

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I am using Cisco Cat 3850 as a core switch, in which there are almost 20 DHCP Server with Lease time 7 Days. The issue here is that when I execute SHOW IP DHCP CONFLICT there are too many gratuitous ARP. So the users IP are getting frequently changed...
Hello, I am licensing PI 3.8 with Smart Software Licensing, but unable to license...I am logging in to smart account, creating token and using that token to license my PI, but it keep page unresponsive for 2 - 3 times and after that showing "Registra...
Hello, Consider below topology, in which there are 3 Routers.1. R1 and R2 are connected and default router is configured on both the routers towards each other.2. R1 and R3 are connected and OSPF is configured on both the routers and3. R2 and R3 are ...
I am using Cisco PI 3.8. I am unable to view the live logs in Syslog Viewer. Attached is the switches configuration with this. Thanks in advance. 
Hello, I am using C9500 Switches and both the of them are configured with Stackwise Virtual with one Switch with Priority 15 and other is with default priority.  As I take out the cable of SVL link all the Ports goes in to err-disable of Active switc...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-10-2020 07:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-20-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 86
Total Helpful Votes Received 55