Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎12-09-2006

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  • 615 Posts
  • 24 Solutions
  • 134 Helpful votes Given
  • 561 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Techies,I would like to understand if pfr can be implemented on the internet links when multihoming is done. If I am multihoming & dont want to use BGP, how can i use pfr for load-balancing across links from different ISP's. Also would like to und...
Was curious to know, how to determine the trunk capacity of a switch ? Is there any cisco recommendation for this.
If a network has to be designed with just a single OSPF area, which area will be used.i suppose any area id can be used since the traffic would be limited to a single area & doesnt have to transit across different area id's in which case area 0 may h...
Hi,I was going through the link for help on configuring failover for multiple contexts & came across a strange statement. Can someone pls help clarify this, "When the security appliance is configured for Active/Active stateful failover, you cannot en...
Hello Netpros,Greetings!!!One of my new assignments involve integrating PIX 515 & VPN concentrators in to a single ASA 5540. I researched the cisco site & docs for any limitations of ASA in terms of number of site-to-site VPN's, usergroups, user acco...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-09-2006 05:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 615
Total Helpful Votes Received 561
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