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Member since ‎07-19-2021

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Hi All,I downloaded the asdm-openjre-7191-90.bin (Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager for ASA 9.8-9.19 integrated with OpenJRE) BIN file and I have no clue how to execute this.I did some googling and from what I found you need to burn it to a CD a...
Hay guy, I am in bit of a limbo here. I am fairly new to this organization. I am tasked with various network audits and one of them is to map what’s connected to what? I have about 20 odd cisco 2960/2950 series switches where I have terminal access t...
Hay guys,Hope everyone is doing well.I am trying out the following scenario in a lab environment but having trouble configuring. VLAN 10 (Native) server, Distribution switch and other 3 switched should be in this vlan (for manageme...
Hi guys, I was wondering if I could get some assistance from one of the gurus here. I have switch config knowledge but not much ASA config experience. The scenario is as follows (diagram attached)Plant Switch: I don't have access to it. It's managed ...
Hi Everyone,I have a SG350-28P switch acting all haywire. The switch has 1 wireless link and 6 IP Cameras (PoE) connected to it.  The ports where the IP cameras are connected; are dropping randomly (frequently). Port1 (where the wireless link is conn...