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Member since ‎08-14-2021

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  • 27 Posts
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  • 46 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

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Hi,I can see the SIP trunk duration on the CUCM "Time in full service" keeps going to this normal? If not normal, how can I find logs that can help me find the reason behind this?thanks you.Screen shot attached.
Hi,I hope someone can help me with the following question.I have the CUCM v12 sending the CDR's to a 3rd party server using FTP service, we noticed the 3rd party server is getting millions of records from a sip trunk and after exporting the CDR in a ...
Hi,I want help with creating an Application user on CUCM, I already created the user but I need to give the user limited permissions.the remaining permission I need to give is the ability to manage end users.for example: User management > end userto ...
Hi,I am using CUACA version 12.using data retention of two months would this delete older data from the DB?if deleted, is there a way to recover the data again?I can see the DB size is still 8GB but it only shows data of two months. 
Hello, I have new Cisco Switch CBS250, and I have Cisco 6921 phone. I'm trying to enable the switch port for voice vlan but the phone is not getting IP and hence stays not registered. I have the following configs on the switch:voice vlan oui-table ad...
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Member Since ‎08-14-2021 11:19 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-12-2023 06:15 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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