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Member since ‎12-11-2021

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  • 159 Posts
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Hi,I have three switches: A <-> B <-> C.B and C are connected over routed port, and OSPF is established via that port.A and B are connected over trunk, and OSPF is established over SVI.An SVI is advertised at switch C.Switch A sees that prefix with a...
Hi,what is the best practice to connect (physically and logically) two VSS domains? 
Hi,If we connect PC to a trunk port without portfast, how long does it take for RSTP to converge?My guess is 21 seconds - 6 sec of max age timer, and 15 second of learning timer. Would that be correct?
Hi,I have a simple lab with two edge (iTR and eTR devices) and Map Server/Resolver between them.I cannot ping within the LISP site (from Edge 1 to Edge 2) if I omitt proxy-etr from MS/MR node. I presume this is because MR gets disabled. However, when...
Hi,I have two switches with GRE tunnel between them.When I ping SVI on sw2 from sw1, everything works.When I ping the host behind that SVI on sw2, ping fails.However, when I enable ip routing on sw2, ping to host works. How is this possible?Sw1 has e...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-11-2021 08:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-13-2024 12:38 PM
Posts 159
Total Helpful Votes Received 55
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