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Member since ‎03-09-2004

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Hi,I`m sure there is an OS command line command to prevent the webadmin password from expiring? I can`t remember it or find it, any ideas? It`s Unity version 8.Many ThanksNorm
Hi,Hope you can help.I have a Cisco Callmanager 7.1.3 cluster. We have an intermittant fault wherein when answering a call on a 7940G phone, the called party hears a dial tone during the call but the caller does not.The phones have been upgraded to u...
Hi,is it possible to easily (or even using bulk edit) copy a users personalised greetings (standard, alternate etc) from one language (US - English) to another installed language (UK - English).I know you can download an indivdual recording then uplo...
Hi,I`m running Unity Connection 8, can the above message played after the greeting be personalised, I know it can be removed, but I would prefer to replace the message with a personalised recording instead of the system generic recording.Thanks
Hi,I am planning an upgrade from CUCM 6.1.2 to 6.1.4, I notice the upgrade file is in 2 parts, I assume that as per previous upgrades I have performed that I just point the upgrade path to the files location and carry on the upgrade as normal.Is this...
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Member Since ‎03-09-2004 03:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-09-2018 06:45 AM
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