Stefan Weixler
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Member since ‎11-17-2015

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Hi,  is this bug also fixed in x12.7.1? It's not mentioned in the bug description. Neither as affected nor as fixed release. Additionally I cannot find any information about it in the release notes from 12.7.1 to 14.0.3. regardsStefan
Hi guys,I have an issue with the WebDialer SOAP interface. How do I get profile information of an end user with the proxy user credentials who has the "standard EM authentication Proxy Rights" assigned. In the request I can only set credentials of th...
Hello,our client uses CUCM 12.5. Many users have no unique mailid what is the reason why they are not synched. Is there any workaround to get users with the same mailid synched to CUCM? regardsStefan
hi, we have an issue with an AutoAttendant on Unity Connection. The AA itself works when I call from an internal phone. When the AA is called from an external party the caller only hears the welcome message and as soon as he presses 1 the call goes b...
hey guys, customer is using Jabber 11.6. In this version they do not see the option "Disable phone services" in the bottom left corner menu. They are currently testing the 11.9.3. In this version the option "Disable phone services" appears. The custo...
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Member Since ‎11-17-2015 03:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-11-2024 11:43 PM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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