Hello Experts,I was wondering if we can discover primary and stadnby asa with 8.4 version in the managment software as community string gets copied same on the standby device as primary.In this case I can discover only 1 firewall.Please help if there...
Hello Experts, I would like to know if the mentioned switch with the supervisor engine supports vrf lite or not. If yes then on which IOSCurrently we are having universalk9.SPA.03.03.01.SG.151-1.SG1 bin but the moment I type -- ip vrf NAME it says f...
Dears,I would like to know if we have the smartnet of Cisco ASA with AIP-SSM module, Does cisco also includes IPS signature license along with the smartnet or is it seperately we have to buy?Thanks & Regards,Jvalin
meaning to enable the vrf-lite I would require a license to install? that sounds strange even though I have universalk9 IOS on the chassis.Regards,Jvalin
Well purchasing is not an issue here. The contract with the buying vendor states only buying and not support and the contact with support vendor is only support not buying.So If we buy "Cisco Services for IPS" which covers smartnet (support) as well ...
Hi Jennifer,the problem is here that we are buying cisco devices from one vendor and getting support related to smarnet from another vendor. So if we buy cisco services for IPS from the 1st vendor then its against the contract.