Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-22-2005

User Statistics

  • 79 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 397 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi, I am working on learning more between SIP trunks between CUCM 8.6 and 10.5 company Q/A env by doing a home lab. It is a basic Skype Server 2015 with two front end servers, mediation server (and SQL, file server, AD, cert server, etc... behind it)...
Hi, hope is all well. This is something I started working with my global Cisco reseller but it takes sometime I wanted to make sure I see different options if possible to present. My company has deployments of collaboration products mainly on v8.x (a...
Sorry about this question on very legacy stuff, but part of my company still running Unity 5 (not unified, just regular standalone Exchange) and we can't purchase more voice mail licenses according to our global vendor. I tried escalating as it seem ...
Hi, working on a bulk to migrate extension numbers from 4 to 5 digits and most of bulk import in UDP are failling although some of them (11 on 389) passed fine. Still trying to work out any difference but the error we get is:The bulk file was exporte...
Hello, I have been working on an EIGRP neighboring issue for 2 days but I am stuck getting to the point EIGRP fails. Two sites are connected by 3925 running IOS 15.1(3)T  but the first one was running fine on 15.0(1)M3. It looks like after reloading ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-22-2005 07:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 79
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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