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Member since ‎01-21-2007

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Is it possible under the 7 version of the software to use LDAP or Local Net Users for authentication instead of RADIUS for doing 802.1x authentication, and if it is, is there any documentation around that has some configuration information?  I've bee...
When calls come in on our Cisco system, they show up as a 10 digit caller id number. If the user goes into their Call Directory (ie Missed or Received Calls), it shows as being the 10-digit number. The problem is that if they then try to Dial that ...
I created a port-channel on a HP server using LACP to a Cisco switch, and it seems to create two port channels, one of which the server uses, one of which it doesn't. This is the result of the show etherchannel 1 sum:Group Port-channel Protocol ...
We outsourced the encryption part of a VPN, but I recently setup a GRE tunnel between a 6500 and a 1811 router that passes through the VPN for EIGRP and full routing control (instead of being reliant on the SonicWall's rules).This is setup as a hub a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-21-2007 10:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-13-2024 12:02 AM
Posts 39
Total Helpful Votes Received 31
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