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Member since ‎06-24-2022

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hi guys.i have a network with below topologyi have two servers that are accessable in my 2811 router and i have a two client with frameware that only support setting ipv4 adderess and doesnt support setting the ip default gateway . the clients connec...
hi guys.I have several local networks that are far from each other and separate from each other. Mikrotik radio is used in all of them to communicate with the units that are less than a hundred meters away from the main rack room. When I put the comm...
Hi guys.I have a cucm network that phones with model such as cp-7821 are registered successfully. I just bought a phone model 7811. But it is not registered.The phone received the IP address and vlan number and the tftp address from the dhcp server a...
Hi guys. I have two units with separate networks that are connected to the core switch through static route(I have attached the network schematic image below ). I want to monitor the traffic of my clients who are in different units in a span server b...
hi guys . i have a network with below topology. In the core layer, I want to have redundancy, which means that if the main core switch of my network has a problem, the backup switch will automatically enter the circuit. What method is there? 
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-24-2022 07:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-22-2024 09:34 AM
Posts 61
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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