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Member since ‎07-18-2022

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Hi Collegues.Can you help me solve a problem. There is an issue with connecting a Cisco AP 2802 access point to a Cisco 9800-L wireless controller.The access point fails during the CAPWAP Discovery stage, and the following logs are observed on the AP...
Good afternoon everyone.I need help, I'm trying to update my ISR4431/K9 router and I'm failing.The original firmware version installed on this router is: isr4400-universalk9.03.16.04b.S.155-3.S4b-ext.SPA.bin, which is a very old version.My task is to...
Hi there.Please clarify the following, I am implementing in my lab this scenario: FlexVPN spoke to spoke, using BGP regarding this link: it works fine and from HUB I can see all spo...
Hello, I have a cisco 8000v virtual router.The provider has assigned me an address with /29 prefix.Behind the router I have rfc1918 networks, I would like to understand if I can make a nat rule using secondary interface?In other words, I need to get ...
Hello everyone.I am using a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL controller version 17.9.4 hosted in a cloud data center. In our ten offices, the default configuration includes a Cisco 1111 gateway, a 9200 switch, and 3 to 5 9130 access points. Each office is conf...
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Member Since ‎07-18-2022 08:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-23-2024 10:25 PM
Posts 37
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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