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Member since ‎09-23-2022

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Hi,during preparing snmp on cisco switches I am confusing if I need to set the snmp-server host under passive/answer mode (switch can answer the query by snmp server. No need to send trap proactively) ?Thanks
Hello, I am running a basic EIGRP configuration in GNS3 and noticing R9 can not onboard the network and advertised by R8 when interface g0/3 is active. Even I am using the command show ip eigrp topology all-links I can only g...
hello,can someone elaborate why EIGRP needs a RID? Does it just help to avoid a loop? Thanks
Hello, I am learning the EIGRP basics in GNS3 and have added loopback interfaces and interfaces gi0/0 into the EIGRP AS. During establishing adjacency, I notice that the EIGRP update packet sent by R2 has a next-hop ip Can someone explain w...
When I run the cli show spanning-tree vlan 1, I notice the port type is shr. What does shr stand for?   Switch#show spanning-tree vlan 1 VLAN0001 Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp Root ID Priority 32769 Address 0c21.0d37...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-23-2022 01:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-21-2023 03:27 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 32
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