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Member since ‎02-19-2003

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hiI am configuring a Multpoint GRE DMVPN on the Hub 3845 running 12.4.9 T code and on the remote 1811 running 12.4.15 T8 code.the issue i run into is that when i shutdown the Multipoint Tunnel on the hub end the remote does not re establish dmvpn as ...
Can i use nbar to match replies from a webserver on an inbound or does it have to be only outboundeg. R3--Internetmatch protocol host yahoo.com-- service policy applied inbound on R3Thanks
how does one compute the total start up delay of a link. is it2x forwarding delay orhello+maxage+ 2x forwarding delayThanks
hiI have three switches A-B-C. A is the server and B & C are clients. They are connected via trunk links. All switches are running VTP version 2. I converted Switch B to transparent and changed the vtp domain name to be different from the other two...
How many ipsec vpn connections and site to site can a 2800 router support with just the Adv Security IOS feature set before one has to buy the AIM vpn module card.
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Member Since ‎02-19-2003 01:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-18-2018 11:45 AM
Posts 119
Total Helpful Votes Received 14
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