Member since ‎07-13-2023

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Hello Expert,We have internal application which is fetching the data from window server using mapped if drive is not mapped then application won't work so when i trace the packets and select the source client and dst server. I dont see SYN, SYN-ACK p...
Hello Experts,We are having some intermittent issue with internet.When I did traceroute the ISP IP I found the below sometime I get RTO on 7 hop. What does it mean? Can anyone please explain?  
Hi Team, Can anyone tell me why OSPF not showing in routing table but shows in show ip ospf database. Can anyone help me to fix this issue?   FYI I thought that OSPF not showing because lower AD value is there with default routing.. I changed to 200 ...
 I am trying to configure the VRF and connectivity between common router and Tenant-A. Can somone please help me with configuration and find what mistake am I doing ?Common#show runCommon#show running-configBuilding configuration...Current configurat...
Hi Experts,people are complaining about poor connectivity -Is channel usage going high an issue?Please suggest me solutions   
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Member Since ‎07-13-2023 11:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-16-2024 05:50 PM
Posts 131
Total Helpful Votes Received 22
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English Community Rookie, Aug-Oct 2023
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