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Member since ‎04-02-2003

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Hi,Is there a way i can bridge a wireless and a cable vlan? Client requirements are that wireless and cable users will be in the same subnet. I am running a C1812W router. Configuration examples in only include wireless vlans.Thanks./George...
Hi,I have the following scenario where a C1812W is configured for both LAN and WLAN (using the integrated radio interface on the router). I need to setup a different vlan for both the LAN and WLAN users and also NAT for Internet access. Is there a sa...
Hi,Is there a setting for specifying the time is required for the agent state to change from not-ready to ready? I need this because we have a Call Center with only a few people and we want to introduce some delay between the time an agent goes from ...
Hi,Is there a timer setting for an agent to move from "Not Ready" to "Ready" state? Running IPCC v3.52. and CCM v4.01./G
Hi,Is there a way to disable translation of DNS "A" and "PTR" records in the static NAT operation without affecting othe applications like e.g FTP or other "special" applications?./G
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Member Since ‎04-02-2003 09:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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