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Member since ‎10-09-2008

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So, after a few years of having a 10.6 Provisioning server, I'm finally getting around to figuring out how it works. First thing I notice is that the connection to LDAP isn't working. Dig around logs, and find out the LDAP servers don't like the diff...
So, is there going to be a COP file fix released for Emergency Responder or are we expected to know how to download and install the fixed version of Bash from Red Hat as the solution? For Call Manager, Unity and UCCX, there were COP files released......
I have several users who want to forward their phones to other numbers if they can't/don't answer (easy), but then, if the call isn't answered at the remote destination, have the call fall back to their voicemail (the issue). Is this possible? I am u...
In an attempt to find out if Viewmail 8.5.6 would be useful to my company, I had installed it on my system (Windows 7 64-bit; Outlook 2010). Unfortunately, after installation, the Media Master ActiveX controller that is used to record greetings in Un...
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Member Since ‎10-09-2008 10:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-21-2018 02:01 PM
Posts 10
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