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Level 1
Member since ‎04-06-2007

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  • 26 Posts
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I have a WAP200 AP configured with 2 SSID's.  The AP is configured to allow the use of repeaters and i have 2 other WAP200's acting as repeaters for each SSID.  The WAP200 repeater i have configured to repeat the signal for the 1st SSID works perfect...
I am currently running an E1 from a branch office to our HQ using a VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1 card at one end and a VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 at the other.  I am considering upgrading to 4Mb, can these cards handle this data rate and if so what is their maximum data r...
Does anyone know if GRE tunnels can be used with the AIM-VPN/SSL-2 module for the Cisco 2800 series routers?
I am planning on rolling out Symantec Backup & Restore v8.5 Server Edition to centrally manage the backups of all our servers. I would like to know if this would cause any issues if installed on our Callmanager server which is running 4.2(3). The se...
I have 2x 2811 routers at a remote hub connected to the network core using GRE tunnels & using HSRP for redundancy. I have recently employed EIGRP in the core which extends over the GRE tunnels to the remote hub routers. The remote hub connects to ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-06-2007 11:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-05-2018 01:18 AM
Posts 26
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