I have 3 sets of PIX's logging to a Solaris network management machine. I am looking for a program that will parse through the PIX syslog messages and generate some decent looking reports for higher ups. Possibly script this process and send via emai...
Hello,I am looking for some good documents for a new "optical" engineer to start learning optical networking concepts in general. Also am looking for the same type of documents but with Cisco's view on were there products fit in.
I am looking at designing a hub and spoke VPN solution. 30 sites to main data center. All sites have T-1's with 2620's. I am looking at 2 scenarios:1.) Two 7204VXR routers at data center with VPN Accelerator Module 2 configured in HSRP. Remote sites ...
I would upgrade to version 6.3(1) or a version that support the access-list "line" command. I change/modify rules on our production PIX's without a problem. And no more copyiny/pasting to text editor.
I have done this many places before and I have seen no issue. Use 2 routers in HSRP and have them sync to time.nist.gov. Then have the clients point to the HSRP address.
IP Protocol 50 & 51, UDP port 500. But if this connection is going through PAT on the PIX, you might need to enable IPSec over UDP and set that up on the remote 3015.
It all depends on your network topology and port density. If you only need 24-48 ports, all 100base or 10base then a fixed port switch is probably your best and cheapest option. If you are looking to expand in the near future and need a good quantity...