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Member since ‎06-25-2003

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I have a 2811 Cisco router and I am using SDM 2.2. The issue I have is the logging works but when using the SDM GUI it does not show the date and time but numbers like 000699. It was working when I first deployed the router. I do have a syslog server...
What are the problems with running RIPv2 and OSPF at the same time if any? I have the gear capable of that and I have been doing this for over a year now. I wanted to get rid of RIP but my couterpart is scared because he is not OSPF skilled. I do hav...
I have from time to time consultants that come in and want interenet access for VPN...PPTP conections ETC. This is a private IP network behind a FW thats NAT/PAT to an edge router for internet traffic. I dont want them on my network at all because it...
I find all the commands for configuring the CC 3550 switch as a DHCP server but not working ...can I make it a DHCP server? and when it asks for the server IP is that a VLAN IP or do I need to config an individual port with the server IP on the same ...
I am trying to get a new configuration to work that involves a 2811 router and a 2651 router running 12.3 code. In the 2651 router I have a 2 port T-1 VWIC and I have successfully connected to the 2811 router with a CSU DSU T-1 WIC and pass data fine...
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Member Since ‎06-25-2003 09:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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