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Member since ‎07-17-2008

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Hi,I have a cluster of Cisco ASA, and the exit to Internet is via two connections (one for each FW) with two routers configured in HSRP for redundancy. Currently one of these routers is the active HSRP, so all outgoing traffic goes through one of thi...
Hello,I need to enable multicast on a single vlan, the multicast sources and receivers are in the same vlan 310 for what I have configure the IGMP snooping on all switches where the multicast servers are connected (and in all switches through wich th...
Hi,I have a cisco 7613 with version c7600s72033-adventerprisek9-mz.122-33.SRC.binand since a few days displayed the following loggings:Dec 13 13:25:17.137: %IPC-5-WATERMARK: 1425 messages pending in rcv for the port (2170000.0) from source seat 10000...
Hi!I have two Catalyse 4507 joined by an interface Giga. I implemented Netflow on the two devices with the commands:ip flow ingress infer-fieldsip flow ingress layer2-switchedip flow-export source Vlan111ip flow-export version 5ip flow-export destina...
Hello,in last few days, the 1140 Series APs (802.11n) have disappeared from the maps of my WLSE. Previously appeared in red because the radio (802.11n) is not managed by the WLSE (version 2.15).APs now appear in gray colour in right menu: all locatio...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-17-2008 03:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 52