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Level 1
Member since ‎04-23-2007

User Statistics

  • 16 Posts
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  • 20 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi,   I seem to be having some issues with my policers i have set up to police certain flows to limited bandwidth.  I have attached a simple diagram to illustrate the premise of what i am trying to do.   Essentially I have some servers in each locati...
Hi Guys, I am looking to setup IMP 10.5x with the use of PosgreSQL external databases.  I have a situation where my i have an Active Passive Subcluster split between two sites.  Each IMP node has a local PostgreSQL server to write to for message arch...
Hi, Can Voicemail Messages be sync'd between Distributed Messaging Services?  I.e if i have 2 main sites and i deploy distributed messaging architecture are voicemails sync'd between them?  Is this possible for each to act as a backup for the other s...
Good Morning Experts, I am in the middle of designing a Unified Communications solution and am currently looking at the IM and Presence part.  As the title suggests,  I am looking to deploy a Active/Active Cluster over the WAN IM and Presence Service...
Hi Everyone, I am designing a voice delployment with Hard and Softphones (Jabber)  and was just wondering if anyone could give me a simple explanation of What Cisco Media Services Interface is and what it adds to a deployment.  Simple question i know...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-23-2007 01:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-01-2019 02:02 AM
Posts 16
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