rsl networks
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Member since ‎10-31-2012

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Using the Smart Net Total Care file import, I imported our list of equipment last Thursday but the import took the SW version from the 1st line and applied it to all the 304 lines of the import. Please can someone help?
We are purchasing a Cisco ASR router and the company we are buying it through want to charge a yearly support fee of £1000 for the support of the license that increases the routers throughput, is this possible or even ethical?
This question was posted on 20th January 2016 and was not resolved so I still have the problem. I have several Cisco 7936 IP conference phones that lock up and the only way to get them operational again is to power them off and on, however not all of...
Has anyone else received Error:Object "Dot11BandSelect" does not exist. when configuring the 802.11 settings on a 4400 WLC runing ver. so what did you do to resolve it.ThanksBarry
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Member Since ‎10-31-2012 09:03 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-07-2023 12:03 AM
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