Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎03-21-2007

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Hello,I have a client that is wanting me to build them a Clientless VPN page but a lot of their bookmarks don't seem to be functioning properly. One in particular can be pinged from the ASA and DNS resolution works, but the bookmark itself times out ...
Hi,I've spent way longer than I should have trying to find the SSH/Telnet plugin for Clientless SSL VPN. Can someone please direct me to its location? I'm tired of digging through 8-9 step hierarchy with a non-functioning searchbar. Thanks.
Hello.I'm in process of migrating a clients' ACS from 4.2 to 5.4. With 4.2, they have it set up so that two standalone ACS servers (one in US, one in UK) will replicate database and configuration information. They are not configured as a primary/seco...
Hello,When you need to bring down the Failover lan and state interfaces (ie, to replace cabling), what would be the best steps in order to prevent downtime, in a production environment?If I unplug the failover cabling, how can I prevent both firewall...
Hi,When running IOS version 15.2(2)T1 on a particular DMVPN spoke (Cisco 881W-GN-A-K9), I'm able to establish a connection to the DMVPN - NHRP works, EIGRP works - no issues.When I tried upgrading to 15.2(4)M5, NHRP no longer connects to the hub from...
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Member Since ‎03-21-2007 07:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-25-2022 02:27 PM
Posts 210
Total Helpful Votes Received 19
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