I am trying to put up a loopback to my self by issueing the looback internal command but when I do so the interface shows up/down looped. Shouldnt it show up up looped? Do I need to do somehting else? pcf-ipfr#sh int pos2/0POS2/0 is up, line proto...
Hey everyone. I havent had to do this to often but need some assitance on running a loopback test with telco. We have a gig link with verizon and have been asked to run a test to their loop that is facing us. Not sure if I should select external o...
We are trying to determine a way that we could easily view the mac table and only display the ports or macs that have multiple mac address attached to them. We have a VOIP intiative that we are working on but we need to make sure there are no rogue ...
All,I have an issue with our 871W set up. When for one reason or another the connection is dropped (in this case I disconnected the uplink to the provider) for the state still says IPSEC_ACTIVE. The ASA on the other side shows the session disconnec...
Can anyone tell me what this means? I am having a hard time finding any documentation on it.xxxx#sh ip bgp sum BGP router identifier xxxxxxxx, local AS number xxxxBGP table version is 105, main routing table version 105300136 n...
Thanks for the info but according to Cisco documentation on Netflow by default, all expired flows are exported and filter values are stored in NVRAM and are not cleared when NDE is disabled.