Evan Roggenkamp
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Member since ‎11-14-2011

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Has anyone been able to get the new 64-bit IOSXRv image working under VMware player or VMware workstation?  It appears to me to boot using the same settings that the latest non 64-bit IOSXRv does, however I do not get any output from the console name...
I am trying to figure out how multiple NAT rules configured may be causing our VPN tunnels to malfunction.  Basically what we have done is for each L2L tunnel, for a NAT exemption, we create a NAT rule like so: nat (ServerDMZ,Outside) source static ...
I am very confused on how to get accurate readings for SNR and other statistics on a per-interface basis on the Cisco CMTS platform.  Here is the problem: I get the cable interface information, and use that same ID to correlate and walk DOCS-IF-MIB:d...
I have set up a SSL VPN and I can connect via anyconnect but my clients in the VPN pool cannot access the internet  object network SSL_VPN_POOL nat (Outside,Outside) dynamic interface nat (Outside,Outside) source static SSL_VPN_NONAT SSL_VPN_NONAT d...
I am a bit confused on how to handle RTP streams on phones that register to CME from across a VPN.  Here is the diagram: (SIP phones on the network register with the 2811) When I make inbound calls I can see RTP streams from 192.168....
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-14-2011 12:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-19-2019 12:35 AM
Posts 96