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Member since ‎11-22-2016

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Our phones have been cutting in and out the past few days. It will cut out, then cut back in and speed up our voices. We are getting complaints that it’s very hard to understand us. Our internet looks fine, is this anything on CUCM end?   CUCM versio...
Hi All,    The brief introduction is the users are experiencing issues with remote users connecting to conference calls. To replicate the issue, here are the steps: User1 (Logged on Remotely from home)User2 (Logged on Remotely from home)User3(Logged ...
Hi,  I have a cisco 7942 phone in which the call history is not getting stored and not showing time. We have tried rebooting (not factory Reboot) the phone but the issue still persists.I have checked the CSS and partition with the user having working...
Hi,  I tried to setup jabber profile.  I created CSF profile and assigned line to it.  but the user is not able to log in to jabber. As user reported that she can’t login to the Jabber by using her windows ID/PW System version: 10.5.2 Any help would...
Hi, I have a client who wants " Please set hold beep notification to every 90 seconds, it currently beeps every 10 seconds when anyone is on hold." Where changes are to be made? System version: Please advise, how can this be done? An...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-22-2016 05:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 12:26 AM
Posts 35
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