Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-28-2005

User Statistics

  • 61 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 17 Helpful votes Given
  • 6 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello All,We have a strange problem with LMS 3.2 regarding Inventory Collection.This problem started immediatelly after the LMS installation/upgrade (LMS 3.2 was installed on a new server, and LMS 2.6 database migrated to it).All Jobs finish as faile...
Hello,Does anyone knows how to get more detailed info about ASA DMA memory pool?We have an ASA device which has an alarm regarding low DMA free memory.show mem detail, says following:Free memory:                     867150136 bytes (81%)Used memory: ...
Hello,Is it possible to backup ACE appliance licenses if product is bought as a bundle?ACE-4710-BAS-SK-K9Promo Bundle - ACE 4710 HW-1Gbps-1K SSL-100MbpsComp-5VCFollowing is mentioned in the ACE documentation:"If you need to replace the ACE, you can c...
I get following install error in the begining of LMS 4.0 installation:Error Code:    -5006 : 0x80030020Error Information:>Kernel\CABFile.cpp (648)>SetupNew\setup.cpp (603)PAPP:PVENDOR:PGUID:$ Server2003 Service Pack 2 (3790) IE Vers...
Is LMS 3.2 supported on ESX 4.0 Update 1?I know ESX 4.0 is supported acording to the install guide, but is it also OK with Update 1?Best regards,Jasmina
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-28-2005 06:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 61
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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