Sundeep Dsouza
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Member since ‎01-09-2011

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Hi,I am trying to block certain URL paths within a website. For example I would want to block any request to, other request like should be accepted.I tried building a regex to match test/input.asp and the rege...
Hi,We have been receiving email alerts for any unresponsive devices in Cisco Prime. I was able to find the option to customize the subject for such email alert under Admin-Network-Notification and Action settings, however I am not able to locate the ...
Is there a way to change the interface speed in Cisco Prime LMS. I need to change the speed as the High Utilization alerts are directly dependent onh it. The default speeds on ADSL ports are configured for 1 MB but the actual link between the ISP is ...
I have been doing a bit of reading on the ACS 4.2 remote agent compatibility with Windows 2008 R2, and it seems like the only way out is to upgrade the ACS to 5.2. We have Cisco ACS 4.2 SE and I would want someone to confirm that what if I install th...
Ok we have a branch office connected to HO using GRE tunnel. All users in branch are configured to get IP from the DHCP server in HO. Everything works fine, users get their IP from HO DHCP and no one complains. The issue arises when a user either fro...
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Member Since ‎01-09-2011 02:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
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