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Member since ‎03-04-2002

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I'm curious on people's experiences with applying this SMU.The documentation says that all files on bootflash will be lost. But also says that the configuration will Not be lost.CSCwa04181 : Bug Search Tool (cisco.com)For anybody that applied this SM...
With the advent of Smart-Serial and Internal DSUs, I'm now left with hundreds of the fat winchester DB-60 style serial cables.Does anybody know of environmentally friendly businesses that can dispose of or recycle these?Thanks In Advance!
Our callerID only receives the number on incoming calls, not the name.Is there a way to have a like a personal address book so when the phone has an incoming call it can do a lookup on the number and match the name I have defined for that number.TIA,...
Has anybody discovered any commands that will inform you of how many packets the router has had to fragment?There has to be an easier way then setting up a sniffer.TIARLC
Can anybody recommend any good sites for sample code?I would like to try and write an IP Subnet Calculator application for the phone.TIA,RLC
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Member Since ‎03-04-2002 06:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2024 07:20 AM
Posts 122
Total Helpful Votes Received 41
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