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Member since ‎06-22-2002

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We have a rare intermittent issue where a customer is speaking with a CCX agent and that customer also hears a completely different conversation occuring between another CCX agent/customer.  The calls are SIP.  I've searched around the forums, the bu...
It is possible to run some type of report with a given date range that would output each time a user has activated call forwarding on their line?Thanks!
When we migrated out of version 6.x to 8.6, dial tone behavior changed.  Prior to the migration, there was no secondary dial tone.  After the migration, secondary dial tone occured after you dialed a 9 for an outside line.  So, [press speaker button]...
Problem is as follows:  User on a registered phone on the network conferences a remote user on an outside line (cell phone or land line--both tested).  The user on the cell phone/land line is disconnected exactly 30 minutes after the call is nailed u...
I have two nodes in a UP subcluster.  Users logged in to Node A can't chat or see any users that are assigned and logged in to Node B and vice-versa.  Everything is green and seems to check out fine otherwise.  What is the most common reason for this...
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Member Since ‎06-22-2002 11:43 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-03-2017 12:42 PM
Posts 54