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Member since ‎08-16-2010

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Hi:Does anyone have the configuration for the SPA9000 to work together wirh the SPA8000 (as a PSTN gateway)?  I have a problem with the SPA3102 and need to access PSTN lines through an alternative, namely the SPA8000.  If there is another alternative...
System consists of the following components:• 1 SPA9000• 1 SPA3102• 16 SPA922 (extensions 101 through 116)Incoming PSTN calls go to a hunt-group (extension 120)Configuration of SPA9000 with SPA3102 as per attached documentProblem (using extensions 10...
Could you plese confirm if the following dial plans will work?  In both cases I include the "9," to steer the call and are part of alonger string that is proven to work.In the following example I would like to use three different codes (passwords) to...
I have installed two separate systems comprised of one SPA900 and one SPA3102 in diffferent locations about a year ago and are both presenting the following problem.There is one analog phone connected to one of the FXS ports on the SPA9000When one SP...
I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done a...
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Member Since ‎08-16-2010 06:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 11