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Member since ‎04-13-2005

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  • 35 Posts
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  • 23 Helpful votes Received
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We have OTV working on our ASR1Ks in a lab environment. We mocked up two data centers and a simulated ISP core that supports multicast. Everything works fine. We can move hosts between data centers, drop a few pings and see the OTV table updates and ...
We've noticed that when removing power to the C200 M1s and then restoring power; the server doesn't automatically start. We've looked for a BIOS setting but can't seem to find it. Any pointers would be appreciated.Thanks,-chris
This past weekend we upgraded some of our boxes from 4.1.3b to 4.1.5b. We upgraded our Active and Standby CMs, our data center 7341s and two 674s at one of our remote sites.We plan to let this run for a few weeks then we'll upgrade the rest of our re...
Hey WAN OPT folks,We recently installed a WAAS solution on 4.1.3b (we are in the process of an upgrade to 4.1.5b to resolve some MAPI AO 'spillover' issues). We have two CMs, four 7341s and twelve 674s.We wanted to keep an eye on things so we started...
We are in the early stages of a proposed conversion from Autonomous to CUWN. We have experience with CUWN but have not run through such a large amount of conversions. We have roughly 600 APs (300 sites w/2 APs per site). We have tested several conver...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-13-2005 08:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-16-2018 04:14 AM
Posts 35
Total Helpful Votes Received 23
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