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Member since ‎06-17-2017

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We are using UCCX v 12.5 , And we have VIP costumers we want to set priority to these costumers in the application script to be the first in the queue , They are calling us using thier mobile phones , we need to set thier numbers to highest priority....
Greatings, We are using UCCX v 12.5 , And we have VIP costumers we want to set priority to these costumers in the application script to be the first in the queue , They are calling us using thier mobile phones , we need to set thier numbers to highes...
Hello ,I'am using uccx 12.5 and mail csq configured to receive  and send back emails . My question is where can i find these emails like sent emails and the inbox , I need to see the email content  Regards,
Hi Guys, I'm using UCCX 11.5 So the agent receive the call just for a 4 seconds he/she couldn't answer the call its so fast, In the script the TimeOut is 12 second. Note : Not all calls act like that .
Hi, I'm using UCCX11.5 and i want to disconnect the call if the customer exceed 5 Mins of waiting in the Queue how can i do this one  Thanks. 
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Member Since ‎06-17-2017 05:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-31-2023 12:02 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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