Koevi Vong
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Member since ‎06-11-2012

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Hi, I need to upgrade an MSE 3355 running version 8.0.130 to CMX 10.2. I can't seem to find any documentation for the upgrade procedure, has anyone done this upgrade before? Cisco software to download for the MSE 3355 is the CISCO_CMX-10.2.0-213-33...
Hi,I am currently working on a 7925g issue where compared to a 7921 handset, the 7925G would show a significantly lower RSSI than the 7921. For example, in one area the 7921 shows -59 RSSI and the 7925G shows -76 RSSI. The 7921 is constantly -10 to -...
Hi,I have several APs where if they lose power and re-associate to the same WLC they would lose their VLAN mappings under the Flex connect tab.I get the below error log from the AP:*Mar 15 03:42:06.187: %LWAPP-4-CLIENTEVENTLOG: No Flex ACL map config...
Hi,Can a Cisco Autonomous Bridge connect to an LWAPP AP and re-broadcast the SSID's? As in acting like a wireless repeater?Thanks
Hi,I am having problems with getting central web auth to work on the 5760, I cant seem to find any documentation for the 5760-Central Web Auth.The setup is with a Cisco 5760 and Cisco ISE, for guest users to be re-directed to ISE guest portal to auth...
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Member Since ‎06-11-2012 11:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-01-2018 02:27 AM
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