Sami Abunasser
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Member since ‎12-01-2010

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Hi, We have a multi tenant DC environment, with MPLS running on our 7010's. I want to leak a specific network between two VRFs, but I don't want to share the complete vrf routing table. I can't seem to do any of the standard IOS tricks on Nexus. Does...
Hi,Is there a way to configure "NetConfig" or "Config Editor" to deploy configuration changes using SNMP? We have some older devices that aren't working on ACS that we need to make changes to via SNMP and I would like to use LMS.Thank you,Sami
Hi,I am trying to find out where the NCS stores the configuration files it pulls for devices in the disk? I know I can log into the LMS server and access the shell and from there access the actual configuration files as .cfg files, i'm trying to find...
Hi,I'm having an issue polling the external interface of my firewall using SNMP. I can ping it from the poller, and the firewall is configured to allow the access, but it fails.=========================================================================...
Hi,We have many warehouses that utilize wireless for hand held wireless devices that connect back to a main server for multiple reasons. I need a solution to put some kind of probe out on the network that connects to the wireless network, and runs av...
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Member Since ‎12-01-2010 11:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-19-2020 10:17 AM
Posts 31
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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