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Member since ‎10-16-2010

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Hi All,Does anyone know if the GLC-GE-100FX SFP is supported on the Cisco Catalyst 4928? Have tried the below link but it doesn't metion the 4900 series switches.
Hi everybody,Today we have a simple ASA-5520 SVC setup with just one connection profile and one group policy. Authentication (2 factor – AD + SMS) is performed by RADIUS. We would now like allow access to this VPN service only if you reside in a part...
Hi,Is there any command that shows if a 2960S switch has the flexstack module installed or not? Thanks in advance!/K
Hi,We are authenticating users and printers via dot1x and MAB towards the ACS 5.1. The ACS then pushes out a VLAN + an access-list. Sometimes printers (MAB) and users (dot1x) end up on the wrong VLAN even though I can see that the correct VLAN is pus...
Hi Everybody,Is it possible to authenticate Anyconnect users using both machine cert AND personal user cert (smart card) at the same time? Not machine cert OR personal cert. Thanks in advance!/K
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Member Since ‎10-16-2010 07:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-28-2019 10:57 PM
Posts 27