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Member since ‎05-30-2006

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Hi,Prime Infrastructure is capable of monitoring the power supplies from Cisco devices? Where can I see this feature on PI 2.1? is there any option to enable this, if it's capable?Thanks
Hi,I have a PI 2.1 NCS Physical Appliance and a client want it as a syslog server too, routers and switches have been configured to send the log to PI but I can't see anything in Operate > Alarms & Events; click Syslogs. Anybody knows what could be t...
What level of monitoring can I have with other vendor devices using Prime Infrasctructure 2.0?
Hi,I have a problem trying to make external web authentication with an ISE server. I am using the following devices and scenary.Foreign-Anchor WLC Scenary:1 WLC  5500 as a Foreign1 WLC 5500 as an Anchor1 Asa 55051 Internet Cisco Router1 ISE as a Ext ...
Hi, I have a problem trying to make external web authentication with an ISE server. I am using the following devices and scenary. Foreign-Anchor WLC Scenary: 1 WLC  5500 as a Foreign 1 WLC 5500 as an Anchor 1 Asa 5505 1 Internet Cisco Router 1 ISE as...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-30-2006 06:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-12-2018 08:33 PM
Posts 47
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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