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Member since ‎07-08-2009

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I have a 5 node VPLS setup through AT&T going into my various data centers.  I'm currently using OSPF and would like faster failover to my VPN backup tunnels if the VPLS should go down.  On a point-to-point link, BFD works as planned.  On a VPLS netw...
I have a remote site that has a 2851 currently with a single ISP and VPN site-to-site back to my HQ.  I would like to add a second ISP at the remote site for fail-over as the Internet connection at the location is somewhat unstable.  My HQ is fully r...
My company just acquired another organization and they have the same subnet as another recent acquisition.  I have a tunnel interface configured on their 1921 router (running 15.2) to my firewall and I can ping through to the tunnel's IP from HQ and ...
We just aquired a company and they have a older PIX 501 running 6.3(5).  This new company is using the same IP address scheme as one of my other VPN tunnels.  To make things easier I NAT'd the tunnel to appear to my main firewall as rat...
Does anyone know the proper settings with SecureCRT to dial an OOB modem?  We use Verizon managed services and although they test the modems, we want to as well.  Any setting I try in SecureCRT results in a blinking cursor but no Router> prompt.  Has...
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Member Since ‎07-08-2009 09:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2021 12:04 PM
Posts 67
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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