graham smart
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Member since ‎02-22-2007

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Hi Guys, Struggling to find the best way to do this. We have a dual Sup2E environment for a N7k10 and run a version of 6.2 How do we go about upgrading to 7.3? From what I can find, we cant use ISSU? So what do we do? Thanks L
Hi Guys, I have two Cisco ASR's connected together by two resilient links.On each ASR is a switch with vlans on them. Id like to extend these vlans between the ASR'sIE:(Vlans 1,2,3,4 ) Switch > .1qTrunk> ------- ASR1 =========== ASR2 -< .1qTrunk <---...
Hello,I have two ASR's connected via two diverse links. Each on its own respective /30              /30ASR1=======ASR2             /30 I have OTV working across one of the /30's.How can I have OTV use the second link but have it as a backup path ( as...
Hi Guys,Question.. I have a switch with private vlans enabled.I want to be able to manage the switch remotely, So id like to create a L3 vlan like normal. However, how can I have this vlan in a isolated vlan like a physical interface would be? I dont...
Hi,Just tried installing a new Nexus 7010, With a couple of F3 line modules. I cant seem to figure out how to get them to come online.They flash with red LED and from a "show module" they show as powered down. Its a fresh nexus install, What could I ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-22-2007 01:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 118
Total Helpful Votes Received 32
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