ivan aguilar
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Member since ‎07-11-2011

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Hi All I have a TAC opened 2 weeks ago with Cisco about a problem with IPMA and seems it will take longer than expected, may be some have any idea or has had a similar issue. The problem is: From any assistant phone configured with IPMA service, once...
Hi I have CUCM 8.5 integrated with LDAP in a W2003 Server. I am triying to add a new LDAP Directory with same IP, but different OU and different user. The user has been created with all permits, and the IP of the server is reachable, there is another...
Hi I have received this event from RTMT, "CoreDumpFileFound" , looking for what does it mean I found that via CLI with the command  "Utils core active list" there are 4 list, the one I want to check is core.16528.11.cimlistener.1446867102 but If I wa...
Hi all!I need to know which is the key combination to apply on a telephone connected to a VG to get the extension log out of the hunt group to which it belongs.Thanks! 
HolaEl escenario es el siguiente:Móvil AMóvil BMóvil CHago un CFA o CFna del B al C, cuando llamo del A al B, no me salta la locución de "lo sentimos, XXX no esta disponible, deje su mensaje..." siempre me salta el prompt de "introduzca su numero de ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-11-2011 08:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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