Ion Cristian Radescu
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-09-2005

User Statistics

  • 99 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 20 Helpful votes Given
  • 29 Helpful votes Received

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User ID: Ion Cristian Radescu SSOID: cradescuError:ProjectId : 690601834select sso_id, c_ccp_status from users where id = '295231'userDetails output = { "status" : "success", "message" : "", "http_code" : 200, "data" : { "type" : "users...
Hi guys,I have a problem with a "Transfer to IVR" campaign in UCCE 10.5.I have a "Transfer to agents" campaign working fine but I can't manage the other one. In "Transfer to IVR" campaign the customer is called but the dialer does not transfer the ca...
Hello,I have a strange problem with a SIP Dialer installation.The MR PIM can not connect to SIP Dialer with the following error: 14:32:34:621 pg2a-pim1 Attempting to connect to MR application at IP address:, port: 38001.14:32:34:621 pg2a...
Hi,We have the following situation: one of our customers wants to know the call duration for one transfer to IVR campaign. He wants to know if his customer listened the entire message or he closed the call before reaching the end.We tried to do this ...
Hi all,We have a customer(a bank) with the following situation:- 150 remote locations with PBX and 4 local analog PSTN lines in each location;- 2 x HQ locations with Cisco IP Telephony solution;We want to integrate all 150 remote branches with the IP...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-09-2005 05:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-23-2024 08:23 AM
Posts 99
Total Helpful Votes Received 29