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Level 5
Member since ‎10-30-2012

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  • 134 Posts
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Hi,Is it possible to minimize the CJGuestCallViewController and continue to use the application while on the call? Switch to another viewcontroller, etc.?Thanks and regards,Fikri
Hi,We are planning to use Jabber Guest inside our company's application. We wish to send the encrypted customer ID, then send the decrypted customer ID in the alerting name or any othe rmeans to the agent answering the call. Is this possible? How can...
Hi,For many professional discussions, links are essential. People share detailed information via links most of the time, instead of files. I think those should be regarded as important content to be addressed easily in the future by the group members...
Hi,We are testing Cisco Spark with mainly using the group chat feature. For specific work-related tasks, we have different chat rooms (deployment, CUCM migration, upgrade, etc.) There we log relevant files and issues we encountered for future referen...
Hi all, We are trying to communicate two clusters using Cisco IPT endpoints and Jabber clients. It works fine with Non-Gatekeeper Controlled trunk, but not with a Gatekeeper Controlled one. Also, the trunk works fine with Cisco IPT to Cisco IPT calls...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-30-2012 04:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-17-2021 03:23 AM
Posts 134
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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