VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
Member since ‎03-05-2004

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I have seen this post and I realize TC is not supported here and Cisco wants you to move to CE code but customer has many C60 and don't have the budget. Plus last year...
Please fix this documentation since with x8.8 it is only 1 RMS licenseInstallation and Configuration Guide for Cisco Jabber Guest Server 11.0 - Prepare to Install [Cisco Jabber Guest] - Cisc…
I realize the value of this key for VCS-E. However why would I ever need this with VCS-C? Is there a particular network topology that it is needed? I am also noticing that when ordering VCS-C as an appliance it is provided as an option but when order...
I notice that for BE6K the price to migrate to CUWL(assuming you have CUCM/Unity) is 80. However in CUWL(Non BE6K licensing) the price is only 50. Why isn't there consistency here? It would make sense to charge the same amount of 50 in both BE6K migr...
This link seems to be broken.Go here go down the list and click on Proposal Generator Tool under Proposing sectionClick on the Proposal Generator Tool and the link is broken. How do we get access?Srini
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-05-2004 07:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-17-2022 08:29 PM
Posts 8,534
Total Helpful Votes Received 715
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2019 TelePresence and Video Infrastructure
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English Community Member's Choice, June 2020
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